جدا شدن از ذهن

زمان خواندن 6 دقیقه ***

 جدا شدن از ذهن


در یک جایی از مسیر معنوی در زندگی، تو به طور کامل از ذهن جدا می‌شوی. 

غیر از جدا شدن های لحظه‌ای، اولین بار جدا شدن از ذهن، در ۴٢ سالگی برای من اتفاق افتاد. آن هم در ویپاسانا بود. 

بعدها این جدا شدن کم و زیاد می‌شود تا جایی که مدام مقدار جدا بودن ها بیشتر می‌شود. 

کم کم در قسمت عمدۀ روز، تو از ذهن جدا هستی. 

ذهن، کار خودش را می‌کند ولی تو دنبالش نمی‌روی. 

ذهن مدام حرف می‌زند ولی تو باورش نمی‌کنی. 

تو ذهنِ پر حرف و عجول و پرسه زنندۀ خودت را می‌بینی و به صورت تقریباً مداوم از آن آگاه هستی. 

اینجا کاملاً ذهنِ دیوانۀ خودت را می‌بینی. ذهنی که مدام از تو می‌خواهد درگیرش بشوی. 

ذهنی که مدام تو را به آینده می‌برد. 

ذهنی که همیشه گرسنه است. 

ذهنی که همیشه کمبود دارد. 

ذهنی که از لحظه هراسان است. 

تو در این کلنجار دائم بین ذهن و لحظه هستی. 

ذهن می‌خواهد تو را از لحظه ببرد بیرون. 

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

ذهن می‌خواهد تو را از آینده بترساند. 

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

ذهن می‌خواهد زندگی تو را قضاوت کند. 

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

ذهن می‌خواهد تو را با دیگران مقایسه کند!

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

ذهن می‌گوید تو رسماً دیوانه شده‌ای! کارَت تمام است!

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

ذهن می‌گوید مرگ و آینده‌ای تاریک در انتظارت است!

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

ذهن می‌گوید همرنگ جماعت شو. 

ولی تو در لحظه می‌مانی!  

درست مثل ماری که خودش را می‌خورد! تو از ذهن برای بی ارزش کردن ذهن استفاده می‌کنی! 

مثل پست‌هایی در شبکه‌های اجتماعی در نقد شبکه‌های اجتماعی! 

نوشتن و حرف زدنِ من هم همین است!

این نوشتن ها خروجی ذهن است ولی در رد ذهن می‌گوید. 

این نوشتن ها از سکوت می‌گوید. 

از نگفتن!




Gemini translation:

Separation from the Mind


The text you provided is a description of the process of separating from the mind, a key stage on the spiritual path. The author describes how this separation occurs gradually, beginning with brief moments of detachment and culminating in a state of almost constant awareness of the mind's activity.

Key Points

  • The author begins by stating that at a certain point on the spiritual path, one begins to experience a separation from the mind.
  • This separation is not permanent at first, but occurs in brief moments. The author's first experience of this kind happened at the age of 42, during a Vipassana meditation retreat.
  • Over time, these moments of separation become more frequent and longer in duration. Eventually, one reaches a state where they are almost constantly separate from the mind.
  • The author describes what this state is like. The mind continues to function, but one no longer follows its thoughts or gives them credence. One becomes aware of the mind's constant chatter and its tendency to dwell on the past, future, and negative thoughts.
  • The author then describes the struggle that arises between the mind and the present moment. The mind constantly tries to pull one away from the present, but one learns to remain present despite its efforts.
  • The author concludes by stating that the process of separation from the mind is a paradox. One uses the mind to transcend the mind, just as one might use social media to criticize social media. This writing is itself a product of the mind, but it speaks to the importance of silence, of not speaking or writing, and of the ultimate ineffability of the experience of separation from the mind.


Here is my translation of the text:

Separation from the Mind

At a certain point on the spiritual path, you experience a complete separation from the mind.

Apart from brief moments of detachment, the first time I separated from the mind was at the age of 42. It happened during a Vipassana meditation retreat.

Later, this separation comes and goes, until the amount of time you spend separated from the mind gradually increases.

Little by little, you spend most of the day separated from the mind.

The mind continues to do its work, but you no longer follow it.

The mind constantly talks, but you no longer believe it.

You see your own mind, full of chatter, rushing and wandering, and you are almost constantly aware of it.

Here you see your own crazy mind. A mind that constantly wants you to get involved with it.

A mind that constantly takes you to the future.

A mind that is always hungry.

A mind that is always lacking.

A mind that is afraid of the moment.

You are in this constant struggle between the mind and the moment.

The mind wants to take you out of the moment.

But you stay in the moment!

The mind wants to scare you about the future.

But you stay in the moment!

The mind wants to judge your life.

But you stay in the moment!

The mind wants to compare you to others.

But you stay in the moment!

The mind says you've officially gone crazy! You're finished!

But you stay in the moment!

The mind says death and a dark future await you!

But you stay in the moment!

The mind says conform to the crowd.

But you stay in the moment!

It's like a snake eating itself! You use the mind to devalue the mind!

Like posts on social media criticizing social media!

My writing and speaking is the same.

This writing is a product of the mind, but it speaks to the rejection of the mind.

This writing speaks of silence.

Of not saying!

Of not writing!

Of the unwritable!


I hope that this translation is helpful. I believe that the author's message is a valuable one. The mind is a powerful tool, but it can also be a source of suffering. By learning to separate from the mind, we can find true peace and freedom.


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